Educational Researchers Training Program (PROFINE). (1997). Do you learn? I teach? Discourse and reality in Salvadoran schools. San Salvador: FEPADE / USAID

A national study on educational practices in elementary schools in the public sector, based on classroom observation and surveys of principals, teachers, and students.

Carried out with technical assistance from the Institute for International Development of Harvard University (HIID), within the framework of the Project “Support for Educational Reform”, financed by USAID.

Silva, P. (2008). A new language in school. Experiences on how to bring communicative language to the first-grade classroom. San Salvador: MINED / USAID.

It systematizes the experiences of six teachers (and their first-grade students) from rural areas of the country, within the framework of the Strengthening of Basic Education (FEB) project, executed by FEPADE and financed by USAID.

CETT. (2009). For teachers: Innovating in the Chalatenango classrooms. Successful experiences of CETT teachers. Antiguo Cuscatlán: FEPADE.

It brings together 17 experiences developed by teachers in the framework of the Central American project Centers of Excellence for Teacher Training (CETT), led by the Francisco Morazán National University (UPNFM, Honduras), executed by FEPADE in El Salvador and financed by USAID.

Béneke de Sanfeliú, M .; Polanco, D .; Chávez, M. (2014). Corporate Social Responsibility in El Salvador: Practices and strategies to prevent crime and violence. Antiguo Cuscatlán: FUSADES / USAID.

A study was carried out in a sample stratified by sector (industry, construction, commerce, services) selected from the 2011 DIGESTYC-MINEC Business Directory. Carried out within the framework of the SolucionES project, financed by USAID and executed by an alliance led by FEPADE.

Béneke de Sanfeliú, M .; Polanco, D .; Chávez, M. (2014). Corporate Social Responsibility in El Salvador: Practices and strategies to prevent crime and violence. Old Cuscatlán: FUSADES / USAID.

A study was carried out in a sample stratified by sector (industry, construction, commerce, services) selected from the 2011 DIGESTYC-MINEC Business Directory. Carried out within the framework of the SolucionES project, financed by USAID and executed by an alliance led by FEPADE.

Góchez, R. (2017). Systematization of the “Adopt a School” Program. Old Cuscatlán: FEPADE / USAID.

Systematization of the execution and results of the program in question, from the perspective of the key actors and beneficiaries of the program. The collection was carried out through documentary review, interviews, field visits, and focus groups.

REDUCA / Sura Foundation (2018). Learning is more. Make the right to education a reality in Latin America. Bogota

It presents an overview of how fifteen countries in Latin America and the Caribbean are advancing towards guaranteeing the right to learn and what are the main challenges and opportunities in this area (FEPADE has been a member of REDUCA since its creation in 2011).

FEPADE. (2019). Memory. Session on teacher training policies and practices: El Salvador. Old Cuscatlán: FEPADE / REDUCA.

It summarizes the exchange between Salvadoran experts, promoted by FEPADE and REDUCA regarding the book “Training teachers for integral students” (Reimers and Chung, 2018), published by the Global Initiative for Educational Innovation (GEII) of Harvard University.