Improving Salvadoran education requires collaborative efforts and multi-stakeholder commitment. For this reason, FEPADE has established alliances with various public and private organizations, inside and outside the country. Throughout its trajectory, the foundation has established contracts, agreements, or partnerships with companies, international donors, government entities, foundations, academic centers, and international networks.

Numerous companies and foundations have supported FEPADE’s initiatives since its creation; for example: the Edubecas program, the school sponsorship line, the National Book Campaign, and the sharing of the cost of large projects targeting public schools.

Since FEPADE’s origins, USAID has been a strategic partner to develop projects aimed at improving the national education system, as a key element for economic development and social cohesion.

Food for the Poor has established an agreement with FEPADE to support the improvement of educational communities through 80 schools nationwide, including the strengthening of capacities, leadership, values, and social skills, within the framework of the Educar y Convivir project.

All of FEPADE’s initiatives have been timely coordinated with The Salvadoran Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MINEDUCYT), both at the national and local levels. Furthermore, FEPADE has executed important contracts with MINEDUCYT.

In alliance with the Sura Foundation (Colombia), FEPADE has implemented since 2015 the “Félix and Susana” program, focused on promoting healthy coexistence in preschool and basic education.

Within the Professional Training System, FEPADE has developed activities financed by INSAFORP to design and implement job training programs.

Under license with Partnership for Children, FEPADE has implemented since 2012 the “Amigos de Zippy” program, to promote the development of social-emotional skills of boys and girls in the first grades of basic education.

FEPADE is a founding member of REDUCA (2011), a network of civil society organizations and research centers and with a presence in 15 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Other Alliances


FOMILENIO, BID, European Commission, United Nations Development Program (UNDP), GTZ / GIZ, ILO.


Central Reserve Bank, National Secretariat for Reconstruction, Supreme Court of Justice, Ministry of Labor, Program Unit to Support the Reform of the Justice System (UPARSJ), Presidential Commission for the Modernization of the Public Sector (CPMSP), ISSS, Ministry of Tourism, CORSATUR, Ministry of Health, ANDA, Ministry of Finance, CONNA, others.


Inter-American Dialogue/PREAL.


Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán (UPNFM, Honduras), Harvard Institute for International Development (HIID), FEDISAL, Research Triangle Institute (RTI), CREA International, Carana Corporation, others.