The projects have clearly defined scope, objectives, time and resources, and include phases of design, implementation, monitoring, evaluation, and learning. Among its components, the projects include technical assistance, training, face-to-face and virtual support, research.

In general, FEPADE’s projects seek to improve educational quality and inclusion and promote social cohesion. Depending on their financing, which may be under an alliance of national or international origin, the projects are of variable size and duration. They are implemented in alliance with international donors (especially USAID) and private sector actors (foundations, companies), in coordination with the Government (in particular, MINEDUCYT).


FEPADE serves the needs of public schools and manages the contribution of international cooperation (particularly USAID) and the private sector. In addition, effective coordination with the MINEDUCYT has made it possible to monitor educational policies over time. The foundation has specialists, technicians, and educators, all dedicated and committed to the different service lines. This leads to the successful execution of the projects.

To date, FEPADE has supported, through one or more projects, more than 2,000 public schools (40% of the school system), throughout the country’s territory. Interventions have focused on these areas:

  1. School Management
  2. Teacher Training
  3. Educational Resources
  4. Student Leadership
  5. Family and Community
  6. Infrastructure

FEPADE develops working relationships with the school principal, teaching staff, family representatives, and other local actors, in order to improve the organizational climate and the quality of educational services. Actions are articulated with the existing school plans following regulations established by the MINEDUCYT.

FEPADE designs, implements and evaluates training processes for preschool, primary and secondary school teachers, including support (coaching) and exchange (analysis circles, congresses, virtual meetings, etc.). Focused on improving classroom practices, teaching training is articulated with curriculum reforms, the use of educational materials and resources (including ICT), as well as learning assessment tools.

FEPADE is responsible for the production or provision of guides for school principals, teachers, and parents, as well as educational materials for students. Some projects channel the provision of information and communication technologies (computer rooms, software, connectivity) and their use for school management and learning processes. The delivery of resources is combined with corresponding orientation and training.

Other resources provided by the foundation include books and reading materials through the National Book Campaign, and the dissemination of good pedagogical practices through the Ab-sé Pedagogical Journal.

FEPADE carries out direct actions with children and youth to promote their positive development both personally and socially. The work with students is aimed at forming life skills, social-emotional competencies, good academic achievement, self-esteem, and active participation at school and home. Strengthening student leadership is a key component of violence prevention and social cohesion programs.

FEPADE carries out actions that strengthen the involvement of parents or guardians. This includes working with family representatives in the school administration. Relationships are promoted with other local actors that also support the integral development of the school. Orientation and training are offered to involve the family and community in the school dynamics.

FEPADE meets the physical improvement needs of the school: classrooms, administrative and recreation areas, spaces for arts education, facilities for physical education and sports, multipurpose rooms, furniture and equipment, restrooms, warehouses, kitchen-dining room, repair of ceilings and walls, paint, electrical systems, railings, etc. Improvement of infrastructure is accompanied by guidance and training to keep the facilities in good condition.


Education and Coexistence

2018 to present

Executed under a Global Development Alliances with USAID, the project expects to mobilize US $ 20 million: 50% provided by USAID and 50% by the private sector.

Through a sponsorship strategy, the project provided support to 200 public schools in these areas:

  • (a) promotion of public-private partnerships;
  • (b) strengthening of administrative and pedagogical management;
  • (c) violence prevention;
  • (d) provision of educacional infrastructure and technology.

Through the “educational corridors” approach (involving neighboring schools), this project included an additional 580 schools and had geographic coverage throughout the country. Once the project is finished, FEPADE maintains the sponsorship of the private sector through the “Adopt a school” program.

Its goal is to impact 100 schools and 150 communities: 20 thousand students, 100 directors and 1,500 teachers. It is developed through public-private partnerships, and is based on the experience derived from two previous initiatives: The Adopt a School program (2010-2017) and the Solutions project (2012-2017).

Educational Infrastructure Program

2019 to present

FEPADE has been a strategic partner of the MINEDUCYT to carry out infrastructure works in schools, including improvement of classrooms, restrooms, roofs, computer rooms, administrative areas, spaces for school meals, etc.
In 2019, 131 public schools were served, and 100 more were added in 2020, including 20 facilities with severe damage. To date, more than 225 schools have been revitalized.

As a complement, FEPADE has supported schools through other initiatives: interior painting, provision of books and the Ab-sé Pedagogical Journal, furniture and equipment, training, and orientation for preventive maintenance.



Felix and Susana

2016 to present

It is a program of the SURA Foundation (Colombia)  that seeks to help boys and girls build meaningful learning and experiences, make decisions on caring for their bodies, their social relationships, and their lives, by strengthening inclusive protective educational environments.

The program includes the training of principals and teachers, the use of pedagogical materials, a series of educational videos available online, orientation to families and local actors, systematic accompaniment.

In El Salvador, it is sponsored by ASESUISA and takes place in 29 public schools.

Zippy's Friends

2012 to present

The program is run under a license with the Partnership for Children (England) and sponsored by Banco Davivienda. Through children’s stories starring Zippy (an insect), it offers spaces for children in preschool and first grades to face challenges about friendship, communication, loneliness, intimidation, loss, change.

It is implemented in 30 countries (in America, Europe, and Asia), and is based on principles of interculturality and respect for diversity. In El Salvador, the program has covered more than 40 schools in San Salvador and La Libertad.

In search of new opportunities, a project proposal based on Zippy’s Friends and submitted by FEPADE to the Mc Arthur Foundation was added in 2020 to the 100&Change Solutions Bank.





This project had financial contributions of USAID (US $ 20 million) and the private sector (US $ 22 million) – a total of US $ 42 million-, under the US Government initiative: Partnership for Growth (PFG). This project was aimed at strengthening social coexistence at the municipal level, promoting corporate social responsibility (CSR) in preventing violence, as well as producing and disseminating knowledge to inform decision-making.

It served 75 communities in seven municipalities (identified among the 50 most dangerous in the country, within the Government 2014-2019’s Plan El Salvador Seguro, ): San Martín, Ciudad Arce, Puerto de La Libertad, San Salvador (District 5), Sonsonate, Ciudad Delgado and Zacatecoluca. It was implemented by an alliance: FEPADE (leader), FUSADES, FUNDE, Glasswing International, and FUSAL.

Teacher Training Project


Through contracts with the MINEDUCYT, FEPADE collaborated in in-service teacher training. Initially, the actions were part of the Full-Time Inclusive School (EITP) model; later, they were executed under the National Plan for In-Service Teacher Training in the Public Sector.

Technical and logistical supports were provided to train trainers, MINEDUCYT technicians, school principals (more than 800), in-service teachers (more than 5,000), students (more than 1,000) as well as parents (members of School Management Boards), within the EITP model.

Between 2015 and 2018, the training of more than 1,600 specialists and more than 5,100 third cycle and high school teachers were supported throughout the country. The training areas included the basic subjects (biology, physics, chemistry, language and literature, mathematics, social studies) and others such as physical and arts education, and the revitalization of Náhuat.



School Coexistence


Funded by the European Union, this initiative supported the Program for Strengthening Social Cohesion in the Education Sector (PRO-EDUCA), in association with EDUCTRADE (Spain).

Within the Comprehensive Citizen Management Model (MGIC) for the prevention of violence, promoted by the MINEDUCYT, this project included three areas:

  1. Design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of the MGIC in the areas of citizenship, arts and culture, recreation, and school sports.
  2. Capacity development of MINEDUCYT staff at the central and departmental levels.
  3. Coordination to strengthen school and local autonomy. It benefited teachers, students, parents, as well as leaders and technical personnel linked to the education sector.

Adopt a School


The project was financed under a US $ 1xUS $ 1 contribution scheme (one dollar from USAID, one dollar from the private sector). The total amount of the project was US$ 12.3 million.

Through a sponsorship strategy, the project provided support to 200 public schools in these areas: (a) promotion of public-private partnerships; (b) strengthening of administrative and pedagogical management, (c) violence prevention; (d) provision of educational infrastructure and technology. Through the “educational corridors” approach (which involves neighboring schools), this project included an additional 580 schools and had geographic coverage throughout the country. Once the project is finished, FEPADE sustains sponsorship from the private sector through “Adopt a School”.



Centers of Excellence for Teacher Training (CETT)


It was a regional initiative funded by the USAID Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean. It was focused on improving the early grade literacy of students in the first cycle of basic education and included teacher training, production, and distribution of teaching materials, as well as an accompaniment to schools.

For Central America and the Caribbean, the project was coordinated by the Francisco Morazán National Pedagogical University (UPNFM, Honduras), with the participation of educational institutions from Guatemala, Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic, and Mexico. In the case of El Salvador, the project was led by FEPADE and focused on 195 schools in Chalatenango (most of them rural). FEPADE was a member of the project’s Coordinating Committee.

Strengthening Basic Education (FEB)


Supported by USAID and coordinated with MINEDUCYT, this project focused on promoting equity and efficiency, as well as improving the learning of primary education students in the area of ​​language.

It included curriculum design (production and delivery of textbooks); teacher training; strengthening of school management with community participation; delivery of educational materials by leveraging public-private partnerships; monitoring and evaluation.

It served more than 600 public schools located in six departments: Sonsonate, Cuscatlán, Cabañas, San Vicente, Morazán and La Unión. Save the Children and Equip 2 also participated in the project. In addition, three universities collaborated in the teacher training: Don Bosco (UDB), Pedagogica de El Salvador (UPES), and UCA.



Learning Resource Centers (CRAs)


Under contracts with the MINEDUCYT, FEPADE provided technical assistance in the creation and development of CRAs at the secondary education level.

The assistance included these components: specifying standards for purchasing computers, software, and audiovisual equipment; provide assistance to purchase and install these resources; design and implement training programs for principals, coordinators of technological resources, teachers (about 3,000), and members of School Management Boards (more than 1,000); incorporate the use of technologies in school and classroom plans; provide guidelines for the use, care, and maintenance of technological resources.

The initiative progressively involved secondary education public schools until reaching 166, almost all schools of this educational level in the country.

Support for Educational Reform


Implemented under an agreement with USAID, this project supported the Salvadoran educational reform process of the 1990s. It included three components:

  1. Institutional strengthening for training educational agents.
  2. Development of the national capacity for educational research.
  3. Dialogue and dissemination for changing the educational system.

The first of these components included the Educational Researchers Training Program (PROFINE) and the Educational Research Fund (FINE).

Based on the experience of this project, FEPADE created its line of educational research and development. It also introduced the AB-sé Pedagogical Journal, which was institutionalized and has been published periodically up to the present. In addition, it gave rise to the National Book Campaign, which has been carried out annually since 1998.



Education Sector Assessment and National Forum on Education


FEPADE participated in a major study of the Salvadoran education sector that was conducted by the Harvard Institute for International Development (HIID) under a contract with USAID. This initiative was coordinated with the MINEDUCYT and also had the participation of the UCA.

The research was conducted by 13 international experts and 12 national specialists. It also included consultations with an advisory group (more than 50 representatives from different sectors of society). FEPADE led the themes on technical/vocational education and management development and facilitated dialogue activities to analyze the research results and formulate policy recommendations.

The findings of the study were published by UCA Editores in a 10-chapter book: “Education in El Salvador facing the 21st century. Challenges and opportunities. ” As a result of these initiatives, FEPADE then supported the activities of a National Forum that contributed to the development of the Ten-Year Plan for Educational Reform (1995-2005) and implemented the Support Educational Reform Project (1997-2002).

Moral and Civic Education Project


FEPADE supported the training of in-service teachers on moral and civic values. This initiative was carried out in association with the Universidad Católica de Occidente (UNICO, today UNICAES) and included the production of educational programs and materials as well as training of the first group of 460 teachers.

In 1990, the year in which the adoption of the new programs on this subject began, FEPADE supported the training of 2,000 public sector teachers nationwide.